Sponsorships and Community

Dreamtilt sponsors Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten with high speed Internet

When Kookaburra Creek Kindergarten (a not for profit organisation) needed a great Internet connection, they contacted their local Internet Service Provider, Dreamtilt to assist.Of course, with great power, comes great responsibility, so we were more than happy to provide sponsorship of the service.As a friendly neighborhood business, its important we support the community that supports...

Dreamtilt sponsors Integreat with High Speed Xnet Broadband and Phone System

At Dreamtilt, we love supporting the community that supports us.Recently we installed a new high speed radio connection as part of our Xnet network we are building in Gladstone to Integreat's new premise in Goondoon Street in Gladstone at no cost.Delivering high speed broadband connections to Integreat was essential for the great work that they...