Spend Management Tools

Spend Management Tools

Spending tools to help you manage your finance

At Dreamtilt, we have some spending management tools in place to help you monitor your usage and control your spending.

You can also request a credit limit on your account to help you keep track of your bills and budget accordingly.

You can login to your Customer Portal at any time and view a breakdown of your internet broadband usage and charges. Your data usage report is updated every 10 minutes. You can view up to four months of previous data usage also.

For internet broadband services that have a data limit, these by default are shaped (slowed down) rather than you being charged for excess data.

Please note, the data usage shown for internet broadband relies on data that is not always reported in real time. Where there is a time delay, fast usage cannot always be caught.

You can also view your VoIP calls online in your online portal. Calls are shown in real time and real time call costs for each call can be displayed by logging into your VoIP Online Portal (which also allows you to configure VoIP preferences).

Dreamtilt sets a daily limit of $100 and a monthly limit of $300 on all VoIP Call accounts. Once these limits have been reached the account will be suspended and no outgoing calls can be made (incoming calls will still occur).

These limits can be changed by contacting Dreamtilt and requesting either higher or lower limits as requested.

You can also restrict the calls your VoIP number can make. For instance, you can prevent the VoIP number from making international or mobile calls. Please contact Dreamtilt if you would like to enable this feature on your VoIP account. These features can be enabled at no charge to the customer.

We understand at Dreamtilt that there are times when you may have trouble paying your bills, for a variety of reasons. This may be short or long term.

If you are facing financial hardship, we’re here to help you retain your internet/phone access, and work with you to find a solution.

For more information on our financial hardship policy, click here.