High Speed Internet

Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet
Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet

Wards Brewery joins Dreamtilt Xnet for higher broadband speeds

Dreamtilt welcomes Wards Brewery to the new high speed fixed wireless Xnet system in Gladstone.Wards Brewery required a reliable high speed connection and public wifi system that could deliver fiber speeds to their customers visiting the tourism destination in this region.Dreamtilt stepped up to the challenge and within a day had them online and delivering...

Gladstone Womens Health Centre

Dreamtilt supporting Gladstone Womens Health Centre

As you know, Dreamtilt is all about supporting the local community, and we are more than happy to support Gladstone Womens Health Centre with high speed fibre and wireless connected internet, at no cost, to help them do the fantastic work they do.We have also installed the latest wifi access points to help deliver the...

Mindspace and Headspace Internet Upgrade
Mindspace and Headspace Internet Upgrade

Dreamtilt – Supporting those that support us locally

As a local company we like to give back to the Gladstone community, and make sure we support those that support us.Recently we completed a huge Internet upgrade to Mindspace and Headspace and installed our new high capacity radio links. These new radio links are able to provide a huge boost in capacity. We installed...